Carefully abseiling with courage
Adventurous outdoor activities with friends
Memories to look back at
Perfect teamwork games
Memories to look back at
Perfect teamwork games
My Marvelous Dad came along to help
Exciting energetic activities
Recreational centre of fun pushing you over your comfort zone
Competing for immunity from Jessie’s dreaded fitness.
Exciting energetic activities
Recreational centre of fun pushing you over your comfort zone
Competing for immunity from Jessie’s dreaded fitness.
2 terrific nights at Camp Merc
0 people making noise the second night
1 year 6 farewell
6 scrumptious meals a day
By Katie, 2016
My Reflection
Walt: write a thank you acrostic poem
I was able to write a detailed acrostic poem about camp merc.
Next time I will make my acrostic poem more detailed with some more interesting words.