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Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Yahtzee follow-up
My Reflection
I was learning about probability.
I had to fill in this follow up about probability and calculate how many different ways there are to roll a Yahtzee.
I found it easy to find the probability of rolling a 5.
My next step is to learn more about probability.
Three little woves
My reflection
I was learning about narratives.
I had to write my own story.
I found it easy to think of the characters.
I found it tricky to think of the problems
My next step is to learn more about narratives.
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Te Tuhi Trip
My Reflection
I was learning to make a collage.
I had to get a carbon paper and put it over my cardboard.
Then I had to get a picture from a magazine and draw over the parts of the picture that I wanted to have on my collage. When I lifted the carbon paper of it had on what I drew over.
It was easy to choose the picture.
I was hard to keep the carbon sheet still.
I was proud that I made my first collage .
My next step is to make more collages.
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Term 4 Week 5
Four day weekend!!!

On Thursday I woke up really early crying because my ear was so so so sore and when I say it was so so so sore I mean it. I kept crying and sitting up in my bed. It was about 5.45 in the morning when I went in to my Mum and Dads bedroom. I woke up my Mum and she said "what is wrong" I said "my ear is really saw". So she went on to the Botany Junction Medical website and booked me in to a doctors appointment for my ear. My dad was dropping off Shannon to school so Mum, Macy and I could go to the doctors together for me. We had to get some ear drops we have to put them in three times a day so my ear gets better. Then we went to my grandmas house. We put my first lot of ear drops in when we got there. I had to lie on my side for five minutes then I had to put some cotton wool in my ear to hold in the drops and so they didn't fun out. My mum had to go to her work so Macy and me had to stay at my grandmas house until she had finished. When we went home I lay on my bed and nearly fell asleep. And then we had to go pick up my sister from school. There was a lot of traffic so it took a while to get home. I lay down again with the cat in my room as soon as we got home. Eventually it was dinner time but I can't remember what we had.
The next day my mum let me have another day of school so I got more resting time but it wasn't a resting day. Macy was at kindergarten so it was just my Mum , Grandma and me. We all went shopping and I bought a makeup set. It has eye liner, 4 lipsticks, 20 eye-shadow and 5 blusher it is so cool.
We had lunch at holly wood but I actually only got a little bottle of Fanta. Then it was just the normal weekend but I sort of forgot what I did then as well!!!

On Thursday I woke up really early crying because my ear was so so so sore and when I say it was so so so sore I mean it. I kept crying and sitting up in my bed. It was about 5.45 in the morning when I went in to my Mum and Dads bedroom. I woke up my Mum and she said "what is wrong" I said "my ear is really saw". So she went on to the Botany Junction Medical website and booked me in to a doctors appointment for my ear. My dad was dropping off Shannon to school so Mum, Macy and I could go to the doctors together for me. We had to get some ear drops we have to put them in three times a day so my ear gets better. Then we went to my grandmas house. We put my first lot of ear drops in when we got there. I had to lie on my side for five minutes then I had to put some cotton wool in my ear to hold in the drops and so they didn't fun out. My mum had to go to her work so Macy and me had to stay at my grandmas house until she had finished. When we went home I lay on my bed and nearly fell asleep. And then we had to go pick up my sister from school. There was a lot of traffic so it took a while to get home. I lay down again with the cat in my room as soon as we got home. Eventually it was dinner time but I can't remember what we had.
The next day my mum let me have another day of school so I got more resting time but it wasn't a resting day. Macy was at kindergarten so it was just my Mum , Grandma and me. We all went shopping and I bought a makeup set. It has eye liner, 4 lipsticks, 20 eye-shadow and 5 blusher it is so cool.
We had lunch at holly wood but I actually only got a little bottle of Fanta. Then it was just the normal weekend but I sort of forgot what I did then as well!!!
Three little wolves introduction narrative writing
My Reflection
I was learning about fractured fairy tales.
We had to choose a fairy tale to change and write an introduction about it.
I found it tricky to think of the things to change.
I found it easy to write my introduction.
My next step is to learn more about fraction fairy tales.
Monday, 9 November 2015
Fractured Fairy tale writing
My Reflection
I was learning to fracture a fairy tale.
I found it easy to think of how to change my fairy tale I had thought of.
I found it tricky to think of a fairy tale to change.
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
My reflection
We were learning how to structure narrative writing.
I found it easy to find the characters, problem and solution.
I found it tricky to put the story back in order.
My next step is to learn more about structuring a narrative
Monday, 2 November 2015
Term 4 Week 4
Rugby World Cup
Ok first things first WE WON THE RUGBY WORLD CUP.
I was so happy I think every new Zealander was.
I especially was. One of the tries was awesome when the man kicked the ball, it bounced of the grass and he caught it just in time to make the try.
The game went on for eighty minutes the points were 34-17.
We won by 17 points that is quite a lot. I was at Emma's house when I was watching it we sat on the couch together with a blanket because it was cold we were so tired because we couldn't fall asleep last night it was to hot.
Then on Sunday at 10.30 we went to church. There is a room were the kids go and play games and color in. We played a game when you have to keep walking and when the person up the front turns around you have to freeze but if the person up the front sees someone move they have to go to the beginning again.When we went back to her house we went to a field and played rugby .I am getting really good at passes and kicks I am starting to like rugby and touch more than I used too they are so fun.
Then I had to go home!
Ok first things first WE WON THE RUGBY WORLD CUP.
I was so happy I think every new Zealander was.
I especially was. One of the tries was awesome when the man kicked the ball, it bounced of the grass and he caught it just in time to make the try.
The game went on for eighty minutes the points were 34-17.
We won by 17 points that is quite a lot. I was at Emma's house when I was watching it we sat on the couch together with a blanket because it was cold we were so tired because we couldn't fall asleep last night it was to hot.
Then on Sunday at 10.30 we went to church. There is a room were the kids go and play games and color in. We played a game when you have to keep walking and when the person up the front turns around you have to freeze but if the person up the front sees someone move they have to go to the beginning again.When we went back to her house we went to a field and played rugby .I am getting really good at passes and kicks I am starting to like rugby and touch more than I used too they are so fun.
Then I had to go home!
Friday, 30 October 2015
Author Bias
My Reflection
I was learning about author bios.
I found it easy to write my article.
I found it tricky to think of a topic.
My next step is to make more articles.
Term 4 Week 3
I had an awesome weekend.
First at 12.30 Schapelle came to my house for a sleepover. First we went outside to do some gymnastics but it was still kinda wet so we only stayed out there for a few minutes.So anyway when we came back inside we had some lunch then we played mine craft on our tablets for a little while.
Then it was dinner time we had lasagna my favorite! My mum is the best at making it. We went back in my room and danced to our favorite songs Trap queen,711,watch me whip,what do you mean and last but not least wildest dreams. We went to my next door neighbors house and played on the trampoline with her.
After that we came back home and had some chocolate ice-cream. We had to have an early night because we were watching the rugby in the morning. I was so excited.When we went to get ready for bed we talked for a little while.We were asleep after a really long time we can never get to sleep when we have had so much fun.
In the morning I woke up and saw my mum sitting of my bed she woke me up at 3.00 for the rugby semi final. We had chocolate mint biscuits they are yum Schapelle and I also had a hot chocolate. It was not that interesting just to admit it was actually quite boring. In the middle of the game Macy my little sister ran in to the lounge. The dogs were still in there cages sleeping and the funny thing is we let the cats in and cuddled them poor dogs LOL!!! But the good part was we WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My whole family and Schapelle were SOOOOOO happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On Sunday I went to Schapelles house for the night but the best day of the weekend was Monday it was laybour day and Schapelles Mum was taking us to JUMP! we had so much fun we did so many flips into the foam pit. We had so much fun I wish it never ended.
Friday, 25 September 2015
Pepeha art
My reflection
I was learning how to make a small speech about myself.
I found it tricky because i didn't know how to pronounce some of the maori words.
I found it easy to colour and draw the art.
My next step is to try harder and longer to pronounce the maori words
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Chapter one of Kensuke's Kingdom
My Reflection
I was learning to compromise questions.
I found it tricky tø understand some of the questions.
I found it easy to type in my point of veiw.
My next step is to try to finish my work under a certain amount of time.
Kaitiaki God
My reflection
I was learning about Maori Legends and gods.
For art we copied or created our own god.
Mine was a bit weird because it is GOD OF THE DEVILS.
As you can see mine is not a Maori legend because i created it.
I found it tricky to think of the words to describe my god.
I found it fun and easy to draw colour and display my art/god of the devils.
My next step is to use a little bit better describing words.
Friday, 18 September 2015
Tessellation Puzzle
My Reflection
I found this tricky because you only had two minutes to complete the puzzle.
It was easy because I do puzzles quite a lot.
Next time i will try harder to complete the puzzle before the time runs out.
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
3D Geometry shapes
My Reflection
I was learning about shapes
I had to say and count how many faces,corners and how many edges that shape has.
I thought it was easy because all I had to do was count.
My next step is to learn more about shapes in geometry
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Haiku Poem about spring
I was learning to make a haiku poem.
I had to Go on to a site and brainstorm my haiku then create it.
I thought it was fun because you can make your own poem and you can chose a pretty background.
I chose to share my learning by creating a haiku poem of my choice of season.
I thought it was a bit tricky to think of three sentences about Spring the season I chose.
My next step is to try a different season.
Friday, 7 August 2015
Chapter 2 Activity for Kensuke's Kingdom
My Reflection
I was learning to use diagrams and labels to understand and interpret information.
I had to read the book and aweser the questions on the task sheet then I had to write 10 facts about an animal Micheal and his family saw.
I thought it was fun because i got to research an animal.
I chose to research the shark because I like sharks.
I thought it was easy because i'm a digikid so I knew how to get onto the things I needed.
My next step is to reread the chapter a few times so I know the awesers and i don't have to keep look back at the chapter.
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
Cross Country
On Tuesdays and Thursdays the year four, five and sixes go to cross country. If you don't know what cross country is I will explain it to you. Cross Country is when you run. You run to the finish line unless you are practicing. We all are practicing so far and we have to for a bit longer until it is time for the race.
To practice we have to run from the shade area out of the school down the ally way all the way down a couple of streets and then back to the ally way into school and sit back down in the shade area.
It gets tiring when you do a few laps. I did two laps last Thursday and tomorrow I'm going to try doing three to four laps.
We need to bring our P.E gear every Tuesday and Thursday so it is easier to run and so our school uniform doesn't get all YUCKY AND SWEATY.
I'm excited to do cross country at the time as not being excited because I like running but it makes me feel like me neck is closing up and that i'm going to faint.
I hoped you learnt something about cross country and you liked my recount!!!!!!!
Friday, 31 July 2015
This is a video of the explanation quiz.
I was learning about the features of an explanation .
I learnt by reading information on a slideshow and then doing a quiz.
I got 8 out of 10 right.
I thought the quiz was easy sometimes and hard the other times because there were some questions that I
never heard before.
My next step is to use what ive learnt when I write explanations.
Thursday, 23 July 2015
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Colour Poem
This is my colour poem!
It was easy to think of the order that the colours would go in.
It was tricky to think of what the colours made us think and of a feel.
Next time I will make the draft before i make the colour poem in slides.
Monday, 29 June 2015
Term 2 Week 8
Last Night
Last Night I called Emma.
We did lots of headstands on the wall plus we did handstands on the wall as well.
When I called her she answered the phone I know her phone number of by heart and she knows mine of by heart as well!
We were making books together and they are about our friendship like how we meet,how we became friends,Why we always play with each other. She is my bff for ever and ever.
We pretend were sisters and when we play kahoot we make our nickname TOP TWINS
We are like 123 Boom sisters
Friday, 19 June 2015
Hauora Activity
This is my Hauora activity
My Reflection
It was tricky to remember what the Moari words mean.
It was easy to read the slide.
Next time I'm going to stick the meanings of the Moari words in my head.
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
Term 2 Week 9
The Sleepover
On Saturday I went to my best friends house at 9.30am!
I was so excited to go because we had been talking about it for days and we really wanted to play with each other even though we could play with each other at school!
When I got there we hugged and made gymnastic video's our name of our group is what we called twisted siblings because we love each other so much we are like sister!
We also made a zombie video i'm going to tell you about it. First Schapelle said im really dizzy i need my pills then she had a nap and when she woke up she was a zombie. Then I was reading a book and Schapelle was still a zombie and she touched me and it made me turn into a zombie. Then we had a drink and we woke up and it was all dream and we thought we made such a cool video we showed Schapelle's auntie,nana and her uncle.

We also made a zombie video i'm going to tell you about it. First Schapelle said im really dizzy i need my pills then she had a nap and when she woke up she was a zombie. Then I was reading a book and Schapelle was still a zombie and she touched me and it made me turn into a zombie. Then we had a drink and we woke up and it was all dream and we thought we made such a cool video we showed Schapelle's auntie,nana and her uncle.
Monday, 15 June 2015
Tuesday, 2 June 2015
Term 2 Week 7
One Monday was the Queen's birthday and I was at my grandparents house with my big sister Shannon.
When I woke up I ate breakfast and got dressed then I played cards in my grandpa's room.
Then my grandpa said "guess where we are going today."
I said "where?"
So we rushed to get ready and in a hour we left to go to the ferry.
We ran into the ferry before it left and next minute we were sailing on the ocean . It took about thirty two minutes to get to the city!
I was soooooo excited.
First we went into the building that looks like a caterpiller and that building had lots of decorations and people that were dressed up like how they used to be in england and like they used to be in the olden days. One of the ladies had a dress on and she looked very beautiful . There were lots of England things there like a poster that you put your head through and straight away Shannon and my grandpa said the betels because they knew the poster was the betels even though the heads were not on the poster.
After that we went to the fair that was there. We really wanted to go on the ferris wheel but we get tokens and guess what the tokens were SIX DOLLARS for only one we were so shocked we did not go on it.
Then we went into the Queen's market and I got a bracelet and anklets.
Friday, 29 May 2015
Term 2 Week 6
On Monday my teachers introduced the new time table. Let me tell you what that is. The time table is when we get to choose what we do for the week.Instead of having to listen to the teacher everyday we choose what we do .
I chose to do my 100 word challenge on Wednesday and we used to do it on Monday but I choose when I do everything.I am really liking the way the way we do this it makes me get things done because we used to listen to the teachers everyday even if we knew what we were doing.I hope we can do things this way until t the end of the year.
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
The Chapter Book Venn Diagram
Our Reflection
I was learning to identify character traits and to compare characters based on traits.
I had to look for fifteen facts like his name what he likes and others.
The hardest traits to find were the feelings because it sometimes it doesn't tell you that until your in about chapter 3.
The earliest traits were things like what they like to do and if they were a boy/girl.
Term 2 Week 5
Yesterday I went to the netball field day. When our first game started I was the goal attack and when our first game was finished we found out that we won we got 12 nil for our score and the other school got 0.
We played at games it was during school it was so fun we won about five games a lost about one.
When we had played 3 or 4 it stared to pour with rain.
When we got back to school the bell was going to ring in about ten minutes.
We played at games it was during school it was so fun we won about five games a lost about one.
When we had played 3 or 4 it stared to pour with rain.
Monday, 18 May 2015
My rounding and compensating
My Reflection
IWLHT use addition, subtraction and strategies.
I prefer rounding and compensating because it always works and place value does not work all the time.
The thing that i got stuck on in the thing when you take away or add to the awnser.
Wednesday, 13 May 2015
My Speech Brainstorm
We have been learning to write a speech. I am writing a persuasive speech about Gymnastics.
This is my brain storm.
I found this work interesting because I have only used poplet a couple of times.
Now I hope i will persuade people to do gymnastics.
Thursday, 7 May 2015
100 Word Challenge
One night I was sleeping in my bed I saw a scary tree branch through my window.It was stormy and windy.I looked out my window and suddenly I saw a monster climbing up my house wall.I started screaming and I ran into my mum and dads room and snuggled into the middle of there bed.Next thing I know it is morning I was relifed.I went into my room looked out the window and there was no monster so I went into the kitchen and ate a whole jar of cookies.'' Yum yum yum''
Thursday, 30 April 2015
Term 2 Week 2
During this week room 28/29 made Anzac biscuits. Mrs Melville called a few people to help her make them.
It didn't take very long for them to be made and cooked.
Friday, 27 March 2015
This is a video my Dad made it has all the pictures of camp!!!!
It was so much fun!!!!!
When I went camping I meet a famous person he is called Radar.Here are some picture of my cousin Radar and I.
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